Website is complete

September 5, 2024

After some lengthy development and delay, the company website is up and running. The last website was unstable and we got little help from the webhost provider at the time.

What To Expect

The website will contain blog posts detailing projects and other work being done. Some of the work I do is, of course, not going to be discussed here in blog form, but sneak peeks will be available if there is no issue of confidentiality. Images, sketches, almost finished works, and completed works are what you can expect to possibly see in these blog posts. This kind of work takes plenty of time, but the rewards I reap are worth the wait.

Where I Am Going Personally

I'm not going to hide the fact that I am young. I turned 21 this year. Most engineers are double my age, and some who are seniors in their field are nearly triple my age. I will not let my age be a source of contention and a limiting factor in my work. My youth and optimism give me a unique perspective that I will leverage.

What's The Move?

I have many ideas I have been sitting on and not enough time to get to them all. I am just one person and I am yet to curate a team. I have faith that this company will grow into a powerhouse. It is my wish that this company stay privately owned and never publicly traded. I want this to be my mark on the world, a legacy of innovation. I am always looking for fellow innovators and inventors to change the world with me.